Many travelers have long since tired of conventional hotels, they want something original. You can find unusual accommodation on the popular app Airbnb. Here you can find an apartment for every taste!

A house in the form of a mushroom, located in the forests of California, has recently become very popular with tourists. Many people dream of visiting it, and reservations are booked months in advance.

Unique residential project. Source:

One night in the house costs $130. For such a modest cottage it is not cheap. But the owners know what they are doing. There are so many people who want to come here that they decided to raise their prices.

Living in harmony with nature. Source:

It belongs to the couple Michael and Kitty Marsh. They once built a modest little house in a remote location to earn extra money by renting it out. They had no idea the house would be in such demand. Now the couple has long since solved their financial problems and is making a handsome profit.

Cozy interior. Source:

The first guests of the house were employees of nearby Silicon Valley. They wanted to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the tranquility of nature. Today, the owners welcome guests from all over the world.

A spacious place to sleep. Source:

Inside the cottage you will not find increased comfort. There are only a few beds, a kitchenette and a toilet. However, guests like everything and almost all of them give five stars. It is also very popular on Instagram. It looks great in pictures and stimulates the imagination of users.

Photo from the personal archive. Source:


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