Liz Baker is the proud owner of Simba, an orange cat who has reached the impressive age of 19. Two years ago, she had to move into a nursing facility Stone Creek Assisted Living Center in Ohio. It was a difficult time, but Simba's presence made it easier.

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Liz's nursing home accepts residents' pets

Liz's nursing facility accepts residents' pets. A real blessing for the elderly woman, who would have been heartbroken to part with Simba, whom she adopted 9 years ago.

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Liz clearly remembers her cat's reaction when he first came to live with her. "He walked around my room, down to the living room, through the dining room. Then he came back and sat down beside the cage and looked up at me like, 'well. guess this will do,'" the woman recalls.

A cat still full of energy

Despite his age, which is pretty old for a cat, Simba still has plenty of energy and great zest for life. He quickly settled in and adapted to life in the nursing home. He really likes to be there.

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When he's there, he gets into the habit of greeting all the residents and asking them to be stroked. He's a bit like the home's mascot, and makes all new residents feel welcome.

Although on a day-to-day basis, he lives in Liz's room, every day, the elderly woman goes out on her mobility scooter with her kitty in the basket. In the garden Simba is quick to say hello to everyone.

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For the nursing home staff and its residents the cat's presence is always a source of joy and happiness. "He'll find anyone who will give him chin scratches," said McKaylynn Stephens, one of the home's employees.

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Source: KFOR

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