While walking around Chicago, Elizabeth Feldhausen, founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, spotted a homeless man playing with his pet cat on a leash. She decided to ask him how he had got a pet and heard an incredibly touching story, which she shared on social media.

Elizabeth flew to Chicago for a weekend. On returning to her hotel on Adams Street, she spotted an unusual couple on the street – a homeless man and a cat on a leash next to him. As a founder of an animal rescue center and a big cat lover, Elizabeth decided to come up to them.

Source: lovemeow

Feldhausen gave the man some money and asked how he had got the cat. The man's eyes instantly lit up, and he started to tell the story of how they had met. Daniel (that was the man's name) had spotted the stray cat wandering the streets as a kitten. The tiny cat was suffering from an ear infection and was very weak.

Source: lovemeow

The kitten was named Casper. When he got a kitten, Daniel started asking passersby for cat food and cat accessories. People happily bought them food, gave him a collar and even a mini cat tent. Someone just gave money. So Casper got a food supply, toys, a carrier, a litter box, and his own corner next to his owner.

Source: lovemeow

Later the man took the cat to a special organization, where the pet was neutered and vaccinated. Now Casper is a healthy and active handsome boy. "If you ask to pet Casper he'll let you hold him," says Elizabeth. "The owner even showed me a picture of little Casper, which he carries in his purse," she adds.

Source: lovemeow

There's an amazing bond between Daniel and his pet. When the man calls him, the kitty comes running to his owner. The cat loves to play with Daniel, and in spite of the noise of the big city, always stays by his side. They also sleep together on a thick blanket. Casper is this man's only friend, who has brightened up his life.

Elizabeth learned that before Daniel ended up on the street, he had been a carpenter until he lost his job. Then the woman suggested that the man should move to her town to work at Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary.

Source: lovemeow

"Daniel loves cats and knows how to take care of them, and we'd love to have him as part of our team," Elizabeth says. "He promised to think about it, and hopefully he'll give us a call before the cold weather sets in!"

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Source: lovemeow

Also, while the woman was in town, she posted Daniel and Casper's story on social media. She managed to raise $200. Before she left, Elizabeth gave this gift to Daniel, for which he was sincerely grateful.

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Source: lovemeow

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