Pets are great. There's always someone waiting for you and loving you unconditionally. But some people go further and keep wild animals as pets. So once again, who have resourceful humans managed to tame? A raven, a raccoon, a fox... a bear?!

Warning! All the owners of the wild animals featured below strongly DO NOT recommend following their example.

Alice the Fox

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Alice the fox was taken in as a small puppy from the breeders. At first, the fox lived in the house together with the family, but the red beauty had a nasty habit of damaging furniture and bullying other pets. Then the fox was placed in a separate outdoor kenned. In addition to Alice's desire to chew up everything around her, the fox has a playful temperament and a luxurious coat.

Messi the Puma

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Alex and Mary bought a one-year-old puma cub in 2016. The couple first saw the poor thing in the petting zoo and decided to buy it. Now Messi the puma lives in a roomy house with a pool and a yard. The couple says that they decided to take this step because Messi had a lot of health issues and because of that faced the risk of being put to sleep. The big cat still suffers from chronic cystitis and muscle atrophy.

Yoll the Owl

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

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Yoll the Owl lives together with her owner Nicole, several geckos, a cat, and another owl named Lola. Nicole is an ornithologist, so personally for her life with wild birds is not something out of the ordinary. But she urges people not to forget that owls are birds of prey, so you shouldn't think they're harmless pets.

Wild Cats

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Catherine lives with a lynx, a sand cat, and other wild representatives of the feline family. Of course, they do not live right in the house, but from time to time they are released from their outdoor enclosure so that they could enjoy a walk around Catherine's yard.

The fennec fox

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Actually, the fennec is also a wild animal – it is the smallest fox species! However, that doesn't stop many people from keeping this animal at home.

Gosha the crow

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Crows are known to be intelligent birds. So smart that they can live and communicate with people. And Gosha the crow has found his man.

The wolves

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Andrew is currently building a small sanctuary for wolves which conditions are close to their natural habitat. He is the real leader of the pack!

Mansur the bear

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Another Andrew is an extraordinary person. He is not only a private pilot, but also the father of the bear named Mansur (Andrew calls himself in such a way). In 2015, Andrew rescued a lonely lost bear cub and began to nurse him back to health.

Gerda the cheetah

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

Gerda the cheetah moved from a zoo to humans. Gerda's owners do not recommend following their example. Not only because the cat is wild, but also because cheetahs are very different in their behavior from other felines.

Timothy the Raccoon and Others

Source: twizz

Source: twizz

And how one can do without raccoons? Another exotic lover has got a raccoon in addition to his numerous pets.

Source: twizz

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