Sometimes animals get into trouble through their own fault. This was the case with a dog named Gracie who was walking in the park near her home in Milford, New Hampshire. Suddenly she got interested in a tree, or rather a hole in it.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The dog poked her head into the hole and got stuck. She could not get out on her own or with the help of her owner.

Source: YouTube screenshot

As a result, the pooch was reported to the Milford Fire Department, who quickly came to her rescue. Firefighters used hand tools to carefully cut the wood and free the poor doggie.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Fortunately, the dog was safe and sound. Mark Britton, the fire department assistant chief, said that usually pets were not this curious, this was the first incident in his practice.

Have you ever helped an animal in trouble?

Source: petpop

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