Several years ago Peggy the pit bull and her owners Juliette and Reece came across an injured magpie on a walk in the Gold Coast, Australia. Normally the pittie was afraid of birds, but the little magpie sparked her interest. Peggy snuck through the bushes to the chick, and the couple couldn't but help the baby.

Source: Instagram

So the magpie found a home, where she was named Molly. The chick was given first aid, fed and nursed to health. Peggy wanted to help Molly so badly that she even started lactating. The dog became a nursing mom, a caregiver, and eventually a playmate.

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

When Molly finally recovered, she did not fly away from her new home. On the contrary, the bird became buddies with Peggy and even learned to bark! They are always together, though playing isn't Peggy's thing.

Source: Instagram

So when Peggy gave birth to puppies, one of them became a companion for the magpie to play with. Now this trio are real social media stars. Juliette and Reece are constantly showing the world cute pictures and videos of their pets.

Source: Instagram

Source: Instagram

Watch this touching video, that has racked up almost one million views:

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