A bold user from TikTok under the nickname turtlesandcrocs showed off his unusual pet and how cute he can be.

Mutual understanding. Source: TikTok

Many people think crocodiles are formidable predators, deadly reptiles that wait for their prey underwater, ready to pounce at any moment. However, TicTok guy Jonathan proved otherwise.


Hora de mimir #crocodile #petsoftiktok #exotic #cocodrilo

♬ Steven Universe - L.Dre

Jonathan showed that crocodiles can be cute,sometimes just like kittens. Just look at how this reptile climbs on the couch.


#petlover #exoticpets #crocodile #gamora


His crocodile named Meiri walks freely around the apartment, lies on the couch and lives the life of an ordinary pet. Of course, this reduced the number of friends and visitors to the house

Source: boredpanda.com

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