For almost 16 years, Orion had lived with one family. These are years of happiness he'll never forget! Alas, the poor feline lost his family and home in the sunset of his life. Death favors no man...

Source: Kitty Adventure Rescue

Alone and heartbroken, the gray-haired cat was taken in by Kitty Adventure Rescue League in Fort Worth, Texas. This rescue specializes in taking care of senior cats.

The team, who have transformed the facility into a perfect little home, have made it their mission to offer senior cats a peaceful retirement and pamper them on a daily basis. Moreover, loving families are found for some of the residents.

Source: Kitty Adventure Rescue

Happy days are back

At first, Orion was too depressed to socialize, so the kitty was hiding from everyone. Fortunately, the old cat was well cared for. As the days went by, he started to come out of his shell. Eventually, he realized he was in good hands and could feel at home.

Source: Kitty Adventure Rescue

Little by little, Orion revealed his true nature. Naturally affectionate, he craved for the attention of the volunteers, whom he had avoided like the plague when he first arrived. Eventually, he came to see them as family. His caretakers did everything they could to make him happy again!

Source: Kitty Adventure Rescue

From now on, the cat with the long white whiskers will never have to live in uncertainty again. Loneliness? He's already forgotten this word...

We wish this old guy the best forever home!

Source: pets-dating

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