A girl's plans for the evening in no way included taking care of a stray puppy, but when she pulled into a gas station and saw the carrier left under a bush, she couldn't pass by. Although the carrier was barely visible among the grass and trash, it drew the girl's attention since it was swinging wildly. The kind girl got out of the car and heard someone inside whimpering rather than barking.

Source: novochag

The old carrier was all taped up, and someone inside really wanted to break free. The girl opened its door and saw a tiny shaking puppy inside. The pup was extremely skinny and obviously severely dehydrated. Of course, the girl came to the rescue. She took the baby and the carrier with her. Before leaving she asked the gas station attendants if they knew how long the carrier had been there. She wanted to find out how badly dehydrated the puppy was for him to receive the necessary treatment. But the staff had no idea of that.

Source: novochag

The girl found a black plastic bag taped to the side of the carrier with a message inside: "Teddy, a male, born in late January. Vaccinated, 2 shots, last one on Feb. 25. Taken from a shelter as a corgi. Not accepted back."

Source: novochag

"Not a corgi" looked at his rescuer as if he was afraid that he would be denied home warmth and care again. But the girl brought the baby home. The first thing she did was to wash him properly and feed him. The baby was incredibly thin and hungry as a hawk. It was obvious he hadn't eaten for several days.

Source: novochag

The next day the furry little pup and his new guardian went to the vet. Fortunately, the dog turned out to be absolutely healthy. Novy has all the chances to become a great companion. The puppy has a sweet temper, huge expressive eyes, big ears, a long body and short legs. But despite his appearance, he is definitely not a corgi. Nevertheless, the shelter employees hope that this will not prevent him from finding a new loving family who does not care what breed he is.

Source: novochag

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