It doesn't happen very often, but Lauren got her first gray hair when she was 12 years old - she found a wide silver ribbon in her bangs. It was to be expected - women in the girl's family were graying early - very early.

Photo from the family archive. Source:

She dyed her hair every two weeks so no one would notice the gray threads in her hair, which were getting bigger and bigger. At first her mother dyed her hair, then Lauren grew up and started going to beauty salons. At some point she realized that coloring takes too much - at least $100 a month. With that money, she could have a gala dinner at a restaurant every month.

Lauren's look today. Source:

Lauren was 24 when she told her hairdresser about her hair problems: how much money she was spending on dyeing, and how she was slowly pulling out the gray hairs on her forehead and temples. He suggested that the girl let her own hair go, because silver is in fashion. And to make them look better, lighten the ends to a tone and make them shiny highlights. Lauren agreed to take the risk.

She had never felt so free. Her acquaintances reacted completely calmly-though no one knew that the girl was completely gray. They just assumed she'd had a fancy dye job. But Lauren still felt a little lonely in the world of those who thought it necessary to cover their gray hair. And then she stumbled upon social media "gray positivity" pages where people were showing that gray can be beautiful.

A stress-free life. Source:

The young woman noticed that there weren't many people as young as she was. And then the teacher decided to share her own photos to support women who had turned gray in their youth. Her post became incredibly popular, and her page was literally bursting with likes and friend requests. People admired her courage and how much she loved her gray hair. By then she had been living with her natural hair color for 2.5 years.


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