The couple from New York managed not just to get rich - this is a true tale of the american dream. Now they are not just owners of a fortune of several million dollars, but owners of an island resort. There are 27 villas on the island, and each of them brings $800 per night. And it all started with the fact that the wife bought the island off the coast of Cambodia for a mere $15,000.

Owners of successful business project. Source:

In 2005, Melita Hunter traveled with her husband to Cambodia. It was a business trip for a year. When it was time to return home, the couple decided to buy the island of Song Saa. It was a small area, but it was about 30 kilometers off the coast. It cost the couple $15,000. For this amount, they would get the right to own the island for 99 years. For the same amount they could rent an apartment, for example, in London for six months.

Family resort property. Source:

In 10 years, 27 luxury villas were built on the island. You can get to the island by helicopter or by boat. The villas were built with eco-friendly materials, and all meals offered to guests of the resort have won top international culinary awards.

Breathtaking nature. Source:

It must be said that the new owners of the island not only got rich, but also created much needed jobs for the local population - 80% of the staff working on the island are Cambodian.

A place of luxurious rest. Source:

Well, who hasn't dreamed of having their own island in the beautiful azure waters, where you can meet the sunrises and sunsets every day, listening to the birds sing and the sound of the waves, looking at the endless white beaches - enjoying the aroma of the sea air?

Photo from the personal archive. Source:


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