Every farmer knows that a wild boar can be a real disaster for crops. Nevertheless, an elderly woman has come up with a very practical way to deal with the problem. She started to feed the wild boar that would come to her vegetable garden from the woods, and in return the animal left her crops untouched. Moreover, when the crops started disappearing from her garden, the boar even repaid for her kindness. 

Source: YouTube screenshot

For several years the old lady would put a trough on the roadside where she put some vegetables and other treats for the hungry boar.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Soon, other farmers followed suit, because the wild boar behaved very calmly and would never touch their vegetable gardens.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Apparently, the forest dweller liked the food. The boar would come to the roadside in evenings when food appeared in the trough. But one day an extraordinary incident happened in the community - someone started stealing other people's crops.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The locals could not track down the culprit, but the wild boar coped with the task perfectly. One morning, the old lady who fed the wild boar spotted a woman with a sack in her vegetable garden. The theft could not get out because the boar was menacingly standing in the only gate.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The offender was taught a lesson, and the boar has since become the favorite of the entire community. It showed that forest animals can also repay for good deeds.

Although it seems that humans often underestimate animals, they may be smarter than many people think.

Source: trendymen

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