Meisha the rottweiler has made a sensation on the Internet after a video showing her fostering guinea pigs went viral. In such a way the dog is trying to cope with loneliness while her owners are at work.

Meisha the dog. Source: YouTube screenshot

According to the dog's owner, Bethany, she and her spouse work full time at the office. To watch the pet in their absence, they installed cameras at home. What was their surprise when the couple saw what Meisha was doing in their absence.

Source: YouTube screenshot

The dog spends her days glued to the guinea pig cage. If they are on the lower level of the cage, Meisha lies down and watches them. When they go upstairs, Meisha gets up and stays with them, observing the pigs' activities.

Source: YouTube screenshot

According to Bethany, a mother of two, it all started that day when she, as usual, decided to clean the pets' cage and accidentally let Meisha into the house. After a while, the woman noticed that the pigs went missing. When she searched the house, she found them in the same room as the dog, who turned on mother mode.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Meisha was so worried about the pigs' safety that she even was growling at the cat, who had tried to get close to the rodents. Rottweiler plays, licks, and takes care of the guinea pigs. She especially enjoys watching them eat and sleep.

Source: YouTube screenshot

Due to Meisha's breed, people often find her intimidating and don't want anything to do with her. They also don't want their dogs to play with her. In turn, the dog has made some very unexpected friends, realizing her maternal potential and never feeling lonely again.

Do you find Rottweilers dangerous?

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