In a small Chinese village there lived a farmer who had been growing potatoes for many years. He kept his crops in a small pantry he had dug into a hill. When it was time to dig out the potatoes, the man decided to prepare the storage room.

Photo from personal archive. Source:

As the farmer came closer to the very corner of the room he realized that the wall could be pushed back, and when he did, he saw another room in front of him in which stood a large silver statue.

An artifact from the past. Source:

The next day, police officers and a group of scientists arrived on the scene and found another door, but on the opposite side of the hill.

A paradise for treasure hunters. Source:

When they managed to open the door, they found several rooms connected by corridors to one another. In one of them they found clay jars full of ancient coins.

Treasures of past generations. Source:

Later examination showed that these coins were made during the Sun Dynasty, which is approximately from 960 to 1279 AD.

One can only guess the cost of this truly priceless find. Now the lucky farmer may well think about new plans for the future and entrust the cultivation of potatoes to someone else.


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