The owner of a 20-year-old Labrador girl named Sammy passed away after a long illness. Arthur had a heart condition. Doctors advised the man to stay in the hospital, but he wanted to spend his last hours in his own home with his pet. Arthur thought he would outlive Sammy. The dog sat by its owner's body all day until buddy Philip Gordon stopped by to check on the sick man.

Lifelong friendship. Source:

Philip called the police, but they could not get the dog away from its owner. They did not want to leave their beloved owner even after his death! They had to call Megan Olsen, who is the director of 1 Day Ranch Animal Rehabilitation Center. Megan tried to bond with Sammy by talking to the dog and giving her treats.

Photo from personal archive. Source:

In the end, Sammy still managed to get out of the house and taken to an animal rehabilitation center. All the way there she whimpered and worried, still grieving for her owner.
Megan Olsen brought Sammy to Arthur's funeral so the dog could say goodbye to her owner.

Heartbreaking moment. Source:

Sammy now lives at the center. Olsen and the other staff members are doing everything they can to make the elderly and devoted dog comfortable. Volunteers had even started looking for a home for Sammy, but everyone understands that the dog will most likely stay at the animal center for the rest of her life. But even here she is loved!


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