Fifty-four-year-old Jane Beck decided 22 years ago to make a drastic change in her life. To do so, she bought an old Welsh house. At the time, it was but a piece of ruble worth no more than $70.

Creative owner of the house. Source:

Everyone who knew Jane intimately could not appreciate her purchase because the house was not in a habitable condition. It lacked such basic things as electricity and heating. The roof was in an atrocious state. It was immediately understandable why owners were asking such a ridiculously low amount for it.

Jane loved the picturesque setting on which the house stood. Also, the house was built in the 1980s, and Jane had always been attracted to antiquity. There were woods, a river, and clean air not far from the house. It was the kind of place she dreamed of growing old in.

Spacious kitchen. Source:

It took Jane almost 22 years to renovate and rebuild her home. Why did it take so long, you may ask? The woman just didn't have all the money at once, and she didn't want to take a loan and go into debt. The total amount spent on repairs Jane herself cannot calculate. Too much time had passed from the beginning to the end of the renovation work. All we know is that the finished house is valued at $569,000.

The house is decorated in a provencial style. This fashion is often used for the arrangement of country houses. In Provence, natural materials and textile decorations prevail. If we talk about the color scheme, the main emphasis is on light pastel colours. And as for furniture, preference is given to elegant vintage wooden pieces.

Elegant interior. Source:

The house is as simple as it is comfortable. The woman has equipped a sauna, hot tub, landscaped garden and sun terrace. Jane lives and works here. She is a master quilt sewer and has her own workshop. Local shepherds rent spare rooms from her.

Jane has managed to turn an old, dilapidated building into her dream home, where she can spend her old age in peace.

Excellent result. Source:


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