A girl who had spent her entire youth in a small town was sent to the metropolis to study. At first the student was very happy about this change in her life, but soon the positivity gave way to negativity.

Uncomfortable room. Source: fabiosa.com

She was checked into the dormitory. It turned out that she became a temporary resident of the most unkempt room in the building. However, the girl did not grieve long, and quickly put the room in order.

Condition of the room at the beginning of the repair. Source: fabiosa.com

The girl thought about the future design of the room and immediately began to implement it. She painted the walls with white paint, which made the room visually larger.

Creative student. Source: fabiosa.com

Great result. Source: fabiosa.com

The cabinet was covered with light, inexpensive film. A modern plafond replaced the bulb hanging on a wire, and the old outlets were replaced with new ones.

The finishing touches were a light curtain, an inexpensive desk, and accessories.

Cozy interior. Source: fabiosa.com

Everything for a comfortable life. Source: fabiosa.com

Source: fabiosa.com

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