A young couple did not have enough money for an apartment. Their solution was to investe all of their money in an old barge. Many acquaintances and friends criticized the seemingly ill-considered decision, but six months later the couple invited guests. Stepping aboard, they saw in front of them a real palace on the water.

Ambitious architectural project. Source: lifter.om

Tash and Spike Lee came up with the barge idea spontaneously. They were just walking along the canal and saw some boats moored. Tash pointed out that the sailors had a better view than the residents of the expensive neighborhood homes around them.

The beginning of reconstruction. Source: lifter.com

Just for fun, Spike approached realtors and was surprised to find out that a boat could be bought for much less than an apartment. The couple then bought a rusty 50x7ft boat.

Excellent result. Source: lifter.com

The couple removed most of the interior partitions. The interior has become more like an apartment with many windows. Proper space planning allowed the family to organize a separate kitchen, a bedroom suite and a living room. A part of the open deck is used as a veranda.

Cozy interior. Source: lifter.com

"We couldn't believe it when we stepped on deck. Spike and Tash had turned the old barge into a floating palace," their friends later shared.

Photo from the family archive. Source: lifter.com

Source: lifter.com

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