As a result of a family squabble, the husband decided to file for divorce and kicked his wife out the door. But the court showed sympathy to the woman and gave her part of the plot 10 ft away from the old house, where the husband now lived alone. The land was ridiculously small: the width of the plot was only about 15 ft. But this was enough for the woman to take revenge on her ex and build her own house almost right next to the old one.

Cheerful woman. Source:

The reason for the divorce, as often happens, was her husband's overly jealous nature. As a result of long arguments, the case went to court, and the old house was left entirely with her husband.

However, part of the land did pass to the woman. It is true that the land plot was very small - it went along the edge of their old house and was only 16ft at its widest point.

Facade of a miniature house. Source:

At first the task of construction seemed impossible, but then the woman had an idea how to fit the house into such a small space. The project was very unusual, because a small front garden and the dwelling itself had to be placed on a narrow strip of land. But it all worked out in the end.

Convenient kitchen. Source:

The new house was trapezoidal in shape, at its narrowest point literally the width of the front door. Further on, the space widened and was enough to line up the rooms one by one, in a line.

Spacious living room. Source:

There was also a second floor, with bedrooms. In total, the dwelling came out about 260 sqft in area, and a little bit of land in front of the facade was left for the garden.

Cozy bedroom. Source:

The woman decided to take revenge on her husband wisely. The wall in front of his house was completely blank, and the woman painted it black, making her ex wake up to see a massive black wall every day.


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