The Jones from California got tired of the enormous payments for their big house and decided to move to a more modest home. In addition, they always wanted to travel. So, the family of five decided to move into a tiny caravan.

The 300 sq. ft. caravan cost them $24,000 to build. Now Kathrina, her husband Forrest, and their three kids, Elizabeth, 9, William, 7, and David, 4, can live wherever they want. They are no longer tied to a particular neighborhood or city. They also no longer have to work from morning to night to pay their mortgage.


Kathrina, a former teacher, quit her job to home school her three kids. Forrest continues to make money to provide for his family.


Are you wondering how the five of them can live in such limited space? Let's take a look inside this tiny home.

Oddly enough, the tiny home has everything necessary for life: two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom.


The family somehow lives in this 300 sq. ft. home. However, sometimes there are some disputes when the children have to get down to their studies.


Usually, the children sit together at a desk and do homework. But more and more often Kathrina sends some of her kids for a walk while others are busy studying.


In this way the mother frees some room, and it also allows the kids to enjoy fresh air and move around more.

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People who find out what conditions this family lives in, wonder how they live in such a confined space.

However, there is actually more space than you think. The fact is that the tiny house has two floors. On the ground floor there is the kitchen and living room, on the upper floor the bedroom is located. So, there's quite enough space.




One day Kathrina and Forrest hosted twelve guests. It was raining outside, so everybody had to stay inside, but Kathrina said there were no issues. 


The family is excited about their new home and happy to have the opportunity to travel. However, they still want to add an outbuilding to their home, because kids grow fast and there is less and less room for them.


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