Maternal instinct is a really incredible phenomenon. Some supernatural force seemed to nudge a pregnant piggy to leave her pen with plenty of fresh food to escape outside the farm fence. Finally, the mother-to-be was spotted in the woods. She found a cozy nook and there she gave birth to nine beautiful piglets.

Source: Brinsley Animal Rescue

The mother pig might have sensed what was waiting for her babies on the farm. Normally domestic pigs can live for 15-20 years, but they rarely do. Sometimes newborn piglets are selected for breeding, and then you can consider them lucky. Otherwise, they will only live for a couple of months before becoming food. The piggy hid her babies in the woods and nursed them, but she was steadily thinning. She could not get food because of the ring in her nose, and nine babies take an enormous amount of energy to nurse.

Source: Brinsley Animal Rescue

Fortunately, she was lucky for the second time. While the farmers were searching for the valuable loss, some kind people came across the new mom and contacted the Brinsley Animal Rescue. Volunteers immediately assessed the situation and took the pig with the litter to their place and fed the mother. They really wanted to rescue the brave pig, but unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. She was legally a missing property, and they couldn't just leave her at the shelter.

Source: Brinsley Animal Rescue

So the volunteers started an extensive campaign in mass media. They told the story of a courageous mother who risked her own life to have her children born free. They appealed to the owners of the farm to reward the brave piggy with the opportunity to live her life with dignity and allow all nine of her babies to grow up. All the neighbors teamed up to take care of the brave mother. Then reporters contacted the farm owners and they even filmed the story about the pig and her piglets returning to the pen. However, their lives were still in danger.

Source: Brinsley Animal Rescue

And then the same volunteers organized a public campaign in defense of the pig. They were able to raise enough money to buy the entire pig family off the farm. And now the pig has moved to a shelter, where all she does is take mud baths and eat, and her piglets play around like mischievous pups.


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