Chowder the pig has grown up on a farm surrounded by dogs. The pet pig has stayed by their side for 6 years and now he thinks he is a dog. Instead of the typical behavior of pigs, Chowder tries to bark and guard the house as one of the pack, and his owners are just happy with having such a sociable and intelligent pet.


Chowder is a Vietnamese potbellied pig, and this breed is known for loving nothing more than a good cuddle.


First, the farmers didn't intend to keep Chowder as a pet. However, on seeing how the pig became friends with the dogs, they decided to keep him forever.


Chowder likes to play around together with the dogs. He even seems to consider himself the leader of the pack. The adorable piggy makes sure that everyone has enough food.


"He even makes noises as if trying to bark," farm owner Shelby Cotton says.


The owners noticed Chowder's unusual behavior and even bought a collar for the pig just like for a real dog. In the video the whole company looks like characters from a Disney movie:

Friendship between species isn't really all that surprising in the wild. Many animals come into contact to hunt, or to defend a shared territory.

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Source: trendymen

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