It is increasingly common for even the most exotic animals to become pets and feel quite comfortable in this status. Toupac and Ripley, whose owner Brock runs an Instagram account and a YouTube channel with almost 150K subscribers, make an example of such exotic pets.


Ripley is the main star in this feathered pair. She is 6 years old and is often seen in celebrity photo shoots, music videos, and educational programs.



Brock admits that having a toucan as a pet is somewhat like having a cat or a dog. By the way, Ripley became famous just because of the video, where she snuggles up to her owner, demanding cuddles and kisses. Cute!



Baby Ripley at 8 months old.



Exotic birds like toucans living in an apartment require special care. First, they need a large and spacious room, preferably their own, not a cage. They like to scream loudly and move a lot. Also, toucans need humid and warm air to feel well.


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Toucan's diet consists of fresh fruit such as bananas, pears, strawberries, grapes, and apricots. In addition, they can eat rice porridge and quality dry dog food soaked in water. The most important thing is not to feed them with solid food, since their fragile beak can break easily.


For someone a toucan can be like a beloved kitty :)


These big, bright birds love all sorts of roosts and sticks, jumping on them and moving around. On this photo Ripley chose her owner's leg as the perfect object for this purpose!


Toucans are perfectly domesticated by human, since they are trusting and curious. They are cautious to strangers, but it is worth getting to know them better, and then this bird will become your best friend!





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