When visiting a museum this young woman suddenly saw a strange painting. After its close examination the girl realized that she was looking at herself. Strangely enough the picture was painted 100 years ago.

Mary immediately posted the picture on social media. The resemblance between the picture of the girl and the student is striking, it's like the same person. Other people, who also found look-alikes in museums, unexpectedly began to respond to Mary's post.

Source: trendymen

Rebecca was the first to respond. She found herself in an 1891 painting entitled 'The Broken Pitcher' by the famous French painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

Source: trendymen

Then another man found his double in a 1572 painting.

Source: trendymen

The resemblance is striking. The painting dates back to the 17th century.

Source: trendymen

The young man found himself on the canvas in the Zurich Art Museum.

Source: trendymen

The famous 'Self-Portrait in a Soft Hat' by Edgar Degas was created in 1858.

Source: trendymen

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Most likely these coincidences are indeed not accidental. The doubles may have very distant genetic kinship with the people depicted in the paintings.

Source: trendymen

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