There are thousands of dogs in shelters who can't wait to be taken in by their new owners. While they wait patiently for a new home, which, let's face it, they absolutely deserve, they have to rely on the shelter staff and volunteers to take care of them and keep them happy.

Kind hearted woman. Source:

Among the many kind-hearted helpers, one special lady stood out recently. 89-year-old Maisie Green from the UK has knitted more than 450 blankets to keep the dogs at the shelter warm during the cold nights they sometimes have to spend in the kennels.

Sincere gratitude. Source:

This idea of helping animals by knitting appealed to Green - after all, she likes to knit and knits well. So she felt she had to do something for those who really needed it.

Valuable gifts. Source:

"Maisie regularly brings us her knitted donations and we are very grateful for her work. I know that with the regular cold weather our dogs are very happy to benefit from these items - they feel very comfortable," said the manager of the Dogs Trust center in Basildon.

Charming things. Source:

Green has been doing this good deed for three years now. Three times a year she donates her goods to the home, and each time, not without the help of her family, she brings over a dozen handmade items for the fosterlings.


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