Every country has its own Hachiko, the dog who waits faithfully for his master. This story took place in China. This February, a 70-year-old man diagnosed with Covid-19 was taken to the hospital. The elderly man had a dog who was everything to him.

The pooch didn't want to stay at home alone. Of course, he was not allowed into the ambulance, so he followed it to the hospital. There, the dog stayed in the corridor in front of his owner's ward.

Source: Instagram

Five days later, the elderly man passed away. Of course, the dog had no idea of this and still hoped for his owner's recovery.

The hospital staff nicknamed the pet Xiao Bao, from Chinese "Little Treasure." The nurses and other patients often fed the pooch.

However, not everyone was enthusiastic about the pet staying in the hospital. So Little Treasure was often chased away, but a few days later he would come back.

Source: Instagram

In the end, the dog was taken to a shelter, where he was examined by the vets. Little Treasure proved to be perfectly healthy. Now a new loving family is being looked for the faithful dog.

The shelter staff hopes to find good owners for Xiao Bao, who will take care of him and surround him with love. Dogs are believed to have a poor memory and forget their owners. But Little Treasure seems to always remember his first owner.

Source: lemurov

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