Maternal instincts are so strong that females often take care of babies that belong to different species. A team of volunteers have recently rescued an orphaned baby bobcat. Not knowing where to find a foster mother for a bobkitten, they decided to introduce the baby to a cat that had been living in the shelter for a long time...

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

Not long ago, a New Hampshire wild animals' welfare organization spotted an orphaned bobcat that was only six weeks old. The organization employees decided to take care of the cub, and placed it in the caring hands of the staff of the local shelter. The baby was crying and longing for its mother all the time, it was in great need of a mom.

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

The shelter decided to introduce the bobkitten to a cat named Honeybun who had lived at the shelter for a long time. She was once rescued along with her kittens and has lived in the shelter ever since. The shelter staff thought they could try to put the two of them together and see if the cat and the bobkitten would get along.

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

Although it's been ages since Honeybun was a mom, when she saw the little bobcat, she knew she had to help. The first time she met it, she calmly waited for the little one to come up to her on its own. The bobcat immediately fell in love with her, sniffed her, hugged her, and as if it took the kitty for its mom which the staff was very happy about.

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

Since then the two kitties have not parted. The baby is constantly watching its new mom, adopting her habits. The cub has already learned from Honeybun how to groom itself, eat properly, and other important things.

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

"They've been doing everything together for a week now, and they have a wonderful relationship. They cuddle, eat, sleep, and play together," says the shelter worker who's taken in the couple.

Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

When the little bobcat grows up, it will probably be sent to a nature preserve and later released into the wild. Honeybun will continue to stay at the shelter, where she is loved dearly. Or maybe she'll find a forever home.

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Source: Spicy Cats Rescue

Source: lovemeow

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