Looking at these pictures, you can have mixed feelings – sympathy for the stray dogs and anger at the people who have been cruel to them. At the same time, one cannot but admire their new owners and rejoice at everything they have done for their pooches.

This dog was starving and couldn't get up. That's how he has changed after 7 weeks with his new owners.

Source: boredpanda

This puppy was rescued from the fire, but two-thirds of his entire body was covered in burns, including his paw pads. The firefighter who took him in made his new furry friend his colleague.

Source: boredpanda

These pictures were taken three months apart

Source: boredpanda

This dog was suffering from mange.

Source: boredpanda

In addition to severe mange, this pit bull also had an eye infection.

Source: boredpanda

This dog wouldn't let people touch him, but now he likes to be petted and demands belly rubs.

Source: boredpanda

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Miley was found in a pile of garbage, wounded and barely able to walk. Fortunately, she has found a forever home and has made a full recovery.

Source: boredpanda

A couple saw a photo of a 3-month-old shelter dog suffering from demodecosis and pneumonia and decided to take her in. Two and a half months later, she looks like a completely different puppy.

Source: boredpanda

This dog was found on the streets of Montreal in such a horrible condition that it was hard to believe it was a living creature.

Source: boredpanda

Kelsey was starving and her fur was infested with parasites, but the dog was lucky enough to meet a kind man who put her in his car and took her in.

Source: boredpanda

When this dog was a stray, he lived on twigs and rocks.

Source: boredpanda

When Hudson was a puppy, he was abused. That's all behind him now – he has a forever home and loving owners.

Source: boredpanda

There's a year gap between the pictures.

Source: boredpanda

Two months later, this doggie has not yet fully recovered, but he already looks much better.

Source: boredpanda

Kenzie the Cocker Spaniel has ended up at a Texas shelter after being rescued from abusive owners.

Source: boredpanda

The puppy fell into a barrel of hot tar and would have died if it hadn't been for a kind passerby who spotted him. It took 3 hours to wash the tar off his coat.

Source: boredpanda

This 2-year-old dog has got rid of a pound of dirty hair and is ready for a new life.

Source: boredpanda

The exhausted skin-tight skeletons have become healthy and happy dogs.

Source: boredpanda

The dog named Dozer was shot and wounded. One of the veterinary technicians took him in and now they are happy together.

Source: boredpanda

This beautiful doggie whose name is Hope is unrecognizable now.

Source: boredpanda

Source: boredpanda

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